Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Waste of Time and Money

I called yesterday and today and finally got a message through to Morgan at the Vet's. I wondered if, since we were going traveling, the hard cast could stay on for another week. She thought it was time for the soft wrap. So I dutifully presented Honey at the clinic at 2:00. She was sedated and the old cast came off. Gunda, senior vet, thought a hard cast was a better bet. So a $45.00 cast was again put on the dog. It is a little cleaner than than the one that came off.

Departure slid to Friday, not entirely due to vet issues. After inquiring of Matt, I finally asked Eve about schedules. I like to maximize face time as time at the Cedar Lodge is not much fun. This schedule will unfortunately put me in Salt Lake for Friday afternoon rush hour. But Matt has Sunday and Monday off after working Friday and Saturday nights. Eve has Audrey overnight on Saturdays so that will work too.  This will be a test run for Buddy. He might need a car carrier, available in stores across the nation.

The rescue of the miners in Chile riveted my attention. Reality TV I could believe in and happy endings. Of course one of the miners had three women on the string all lining up for their share of benefits and spotlight. He might be wanting to head back in a few days.

More commiques from Winter friends: Andre, the retired cop and Nicole will arrive January 7. Greg and Lew will arrive a little before Thanksgiving. Their "mobile home" in the gated community got broken into-stuff taken, good time had by all. The police officers who live across the street missed it all. Since "Pop's" place is a victim of the horrible real estate market down there, Pop offered to let them move in on the golf course. Security is tight at that place. I suspect they will do it. That will take them completely out of my neighborhood. Maureen and Robert are just getting into the house they built in Quebec so they are probably not coming. Lise and Claude are going to be babysitting their grandson in New Brunswick while his son does a tour of duty in Afghanistan. So they will not be coming this year.