Monday, October 4, 2010

Is the World Wobbling on its Axis?

Honey was raising Tophet at 3:00 a.m. I put on my Crocs and went out leaving the dogs in and safe. The police lights were blinking and the ambulance came. As predicted, the carnage has started up right away-a vehicle accident right in front of the house. I looked for information on Wyoming websites today but there was nothing, as usual. But the 3:00 a.m. sleep interruption or a planetary wobble made the day seem (to me) completely out of synch and everything was difficult and my attitude was poor all day long. I felt old.

I was in Nubbinsvile in the supply department. I am going to go roving so I shopped with that in mind. Nothing that can sprout or wilt. The poor doggies got on my nerves-I didn't do anything other than be crabby. Buddy without his play time with Honey gets into mischief. He is such a puppy. Our schedule was screwed up. I didn't nap until 4:00 and then only for 15 minutes. Then we went to town and I also bought dinner for us. Too risky to chance  fixing anything. With Indian payday, Wally World was out of many things and there were not enough checkers. Crab, crab, crab. Good sleep tonight I hope.