Thursday, October 14, 2010

Think I am Ready

It came together pretty smoothly-steady but not frantic. Stick some stuff in the car in the morning and we should be off. I'm hoping to maintain the same attitude for the trip.  I read about a diet in The Times of London quite awhile ago. A "shake" with leucine was a major part of it.. I finally located some but not in powder form: a capsule with branch chain essential Amino acids. I took a couple yesterday  and the same today. That is less than recomended but I was pretty energized by them. Interesting. You are supposed to get these from the protein, meat, that you eat. But as we age...

This trip is actually not a bad step because I am dang near prepared to go south. That is creeping up quickly. Matt said Jason is driving across Mississippi on his way home. Lori will fly. I'm glad they will be home before I arrive down there. Matt also reported that snow has not yet fallen in the high country so I should have clear sailing.

A note from Therese bore the good news that Rene's recent scans show that his brain tumor is about half the size it was.  He is feeling well though he tires. That is fantastic news. Perhaps we will have the season together. He makes me laugh. He can be so full of it-hold forth at length until it becomes clear he is having us on.