Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ambling on

Quiet days. Childhood neighbor and chum Marsha sent me the Steamboat Springs 50th reunion book. Lynn and Marsha did a bang-up job on it. The self-submitted bios were a riot! They were very candid: "My wife found a love note from a lady I was having an affair with-that ended that marriage." Ann Hoelscher who drew a picture of me taking a whiz and left it for me in Gertrude Campbell's Algebra class, stayed true to form- what a life! But she is settled and happy in Parachute, CO. "Wichie Wight the wabbit man," who I used to help skin his rabbits, is a famous heart surgeon and professor at Vanderbilt, University. (He was an heir to the F.M. Light and Sons Western Haberdashery). Clela, who as County Clerk in Boulder many years ago, issued the first/last Colorado, and probably national, same-sex marriage license, is going to California to participate in a documentary with the still-together couple. Still a free spirit. Lots of memories and a group picture that, without the labels would have meant nothing to me. Most people have acquitted themselves quite adequately. Several obits. This was a very different group than attended the reunion I did. The great jocks then, are fatter than I am. Love it.

We are having a serious thunderstorm as I write this. The wet is welcome- I think most of the crops are in around here. I haven't been up the road since the 30th. I will hope there is nothing that will be ruined.

Matt Skyped tonight. I saw my sweet gorgeous Audrey. I am so anxious to get up there and see them. This bit of weather reminds me that I had better get busy because fall/winter is due at any moment. We have been coasting on glorious days. After a trip, it might not look like this anymore.