Monday, November 1, 2010


A dusting of snow by the side of the road and the Snowplows were out! They were headed for the mountains because the roads were dry here in the valley today but the sight of one was a warning.

Honey got her soft wrap today. She has to be careful for two weeks while her muscles re-build. The leg was pronounced sound, the sore was all but healed. She got sedated again but is doing just fine, had some dinner and is complaining about not being outdoors. Buddy and I had to leave the Vet's office because he was busy marking everywhere. He can be a complete love and a complete nuisance. I stopped at the locksmith to get a Van key for my wallet, went to the Vet's, went in to see if the coast was clear, and came out-he had locked the door. I stayed ahead of him for once-the key works.

Blogger friends in Casper have gone back into the pet mode. They have a rescue Brittany who has attached himself and I can see by photos, the graft has taken. They also got a used cat. Newly retired, their days are going to be fuller now. They are very responsible pet owners and the walks and doting will now commence. Lucky all around-they got good critters and the critters found a great place to be.

My doctor appointment is Thursday afternoon. I'm making notes. I always forget something.

A nice email from Janet. They rode the river on horseback on Sunday. Many hours in the saddle. I envied the picture but not the reality. Once upon a time I did that sort of thing and enjoyed it immensely but I would have not lasted. They found 11 of 12 cows they were looking for.

A welcoming email from Jason. I need to be clear that my whining is sometimes just venting. He wondered if I needed help with my insurance. The money  involved is just a pittance in the grand scheme of things I just hate being taken for a ride.

Speaking of whining, the Feglers have weaned their calves. There is a great din in the pasture and the coyotes are coming out of curiosity and hope. Those calves are pretty darn big. No worries. They are also getting winter coats- I love them when they are fuzzy.