Thursday, November 4, 2010

Another Task Out of the Way

My doctor was generous with her time, thorough, had good advice, good judgement and we had a nice visit besides. I am not a big doctor visitor and they had lost my file again- I guess you have to go more often than once a year. But the doctor stopped  by the waiting room and we visited a little there so the always new staff members knew I was legit.

I was disappointed- I had only lost 5 pounds since last year but that beats a gain. My BP was a little high and she tweaked my meds for that. Told me not sweat the Uric Acid  unless I get gouty. She said to take the Saw Palmetto faithfully, take another test in the spring and we'll see if I need to go to the urologist. You can bet I WILL take the Saw Palmetto faithfully-those guys love their scalpels.  She is knowledgeable about supplements and is of the "whatever works" school. The Iron up here is a good idea, ease off in Florida. There is a med that will help with the altitude transition. Going to try a supplement called Thyroid support. I can pick up my prescriptions. It is a little bit like a confessional- we discussed the "three bites thing,' and other stuff. Having unburdened myself, I feel...unburdened.

Always good to get past this milestone.

Honey continues to improve. She got in the mud today with her partner in crime. It is too cold for me to supervise 100% of the time. Buddy definitely needs to settle down a little. He is also getting pudgy. That needs to be curtailed though he is just a riot as he scoots everywhere.