Friday, November 26, 2010

One of those days!

I was looking forward to a quiet day. The Droid was supposed to come (but didn't) and I was looking forward to programming and piddling with it. In deference to the UPS man (Bill) I brought the dogs in for the middle of the day. They were like kids-running and wrestling in the house which amuses me but when I let them out they disappeared. I called and called, whistled, used the electronic collar pagers, got in the Van to search, told Daryne, and he went looking-borrow pits for bodies, asking other neighbors, and all. Eventually he called. He spotted them a couple of pastures over-having a ball in the wetlands. I made eye contact and called them. Daryne's cattle and the guard llamas saw them too and gave chase. It served the naughty dogs right and it was pretty funny to watch. They know they did wrong but I don't think the lesson will last. I was hoofing it and moving right along. I am definitely on the mend but I was vexed and worried. I do not need that.

I decided to heat some water for tea and my microwave bade me farewell with an impressive flash. I don't understand. It has worked perfectly for 20 years. I will replace it tomorrow if I can find something to go in the same space. Microwaves have come down a great deal in cost. 

I started getting a little superstitious- is the Universe sending me a message? Chaos and wearing things out.hmmm.