Thursday, November 18, 2010

Good Day!

Slow start to a warmer day but it kept on getting better. I had plenty of air last night, next to no movement, and arose after 8:00. Went to the store this morning and almost needed to rest on the way in, but the movement helped and before long I was gabbing and visiting with people I knew. Grandpa Harry was in fine form and I showed him my oximeter-his is not as nice, he said. Brag, Brag. Our levels were pretty good. Mine got to 95 which is a new high since this began. Checks since then were a little lower but no 80's so I felt good about that as well as feeling well. 

Daryne brought Tye down for a visit. Tye had picked up that I spent the night in Casper and needed to see if I was all right. He wants to go with next time. He has a great teacher this year and his language is getting so much better. I was impressed.

Mike called- we had some belly laughs.Human folly, mostly our own, sets us off!  Richie called on his way back from Powell, WY. He had a great tale about Rodney Garvin and Rodney's Excellent RV Adventure. Rodney left his Toyota tow car in gear and pulled it up the west coast quite a distance. $12,500 worth of ruined. Rod has more money where that came from so he kind of sees it is funny. Rod got real Christian some time ago and swore off swearing.  His wife nearly popped a gussett watching him swallow cursewords. The whole tale is worth a long story or short book.

Dinner was one sliver of pumpkin pie from a $3.00 special at Wally World. It was good and it was sufficient.