Friday, November 12, 2010

The National Christmas Tree

The picture deserves a click, as this 81 foot tree starts its journey to the White House. Wyoming's first national Christmas tree. Janet sent the picture and with the Teton's in the back it is a great one.

It was a mixed bag day for me. Up early in the cold, cold, to go the hospital for tests. Dr. Pickrell said I needed to be tested daily for my coumadin level-too much and I bleed out, not enough then it is not effective. Results to be faxed to his office, feedback to me. Only they didn't feedback. I was calling around at 4:30 pm-playing Dr. Games with the phone systems. Got dumped twice. Annoyed isn't the word. Enraged comes closer. Since I was in the neighborhood for the earlier tests, I popped over to my old offices to see Delores and Mike and reassure them I was fine. We had some good laughs. Mike's war stories about his heart attack were helpful to me. The new med regimen does seem to be helping the water flow. Doggies got Arby's, I got nothing.

I spent some time surfing the Web for Oxygen Accumulators-portable. My new best friend makes a big difference in my life. I can take a lie down with air and coast for a few hours after that. The problem is the Medicare issued one is too big for the car-sucks a lot of juice, too. I want to own rather than have Medicare rent one for me to the tune of $140.00/ month. The market is like for those scooters such as the "Rascal." About $1000.00 if you could buy it retail but if Medicare buys it they get $4,000.00. A total screw job. More searching to do. Cylinders are good for about 3 hours. Florida is a 24 drive time.

Janet, bless her soul, brought some wonderful chicken soup. Wild rice, and lots of veggies and yummy stuff in it and I did a better job eating it than anything else I have tried for days. She came as the Fegler's were cleaning out their truck van. Jock Cross from Dubois called them and said "Come get your cattle." So the pasture is filling up and the high meadows will likely be filling with snow very soon. Cozy thoughts with homemade chicken soup, cattle in the pasture and snow in the high country.

I am looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow-no more docs until Monday.
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