Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Minus 9 degrees

The day started cold and got a little better. Layering up? Try 5 layers. I stayed comfortable as I trotted around. My  Droid was supposed to arrive but the UPS tracking thing was goofy so I went to town to check the UPS place. (The phone was delivered)  I did my Wal-Mart Cardio. Pushed a cart through the obstacle courses at a good clip. Black Friday fever is besetting the Natives. Bought some coffee and some hostess offerings Ghirardelli chocolate, a Good Housekeeping apple clove candle, and fresh flowers for tomorrow's table at Guy and Janet's. I delivered them today thinking the flowers would fare better at Janet's than here.

I was excited about the Droid but I had forgotten about the micro-SD memory card which was necessary to restore all my applications. Off to town again to buy one. I settled for a smaller card than that I had in the old Droid. I can live with only twenty or thirty hours of music. The new Droid would not accept the card-the phone slot was screwed up. Gnashing of teeth! Asurion got a call. They dispatched a replacement of the replacement. Due in Friday. We will see.

Eve called. A get-well call. We had a nice visit. I still marvel at how two people can have such completely different "takes" on the same events. The Florida kids bought her a first class ticket for 8 days in Florida for Christmas. We had a nice time last year when we coincided. I will look forward to the same. She is having nine guests/carry in food folks for Thanksgiving. Mostly members from her "Dream Group." It sounds like a very interesting time. Son Matt is going to give this a pass and be with friends.

Brother Rich is putting Valerie on the plane for a "girls time" with her daughters in Sedona, AZ for Thanksgiving. Spa time. Rich will go to his daughter and Tom's for the truly gourmet feast they put on. He will enjoy that and I think he may may even enjoy a little "down time" though he does not do awfully well alone. We will talk I am sure.

The current is fluctuating here tonight for the second time. I called High Plains Power and put the screws to them: "What about my oxygen if the power goes out?"  Heh, heh.  The power has been interrupted a lot in the past few months. If the power goes out I will waste no time getting in the van. I will freeze before I draw my last gasp. They need to do better. If it hadn't been better for the past 25 years, they might be able to get away with it. I am turning into a Senior Screamer! Condo commando next.