Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Northern Climes

Andre sends this picture of the snow in Quebec: Nicole in their yard. Their condo is in a ski resort but they are ready for Florida too. Old bones...

Brother Rich called this morning and wanted to meet for lunch at 11:30. We met at Austin's, a former Golden Corral that is much improved as an independent. We had a good visit. Some good laughs. Family is easy-you tend to think the same things are bizarre. The cousin who is going to do nothing about his head cancer is seeking a source of funds to get his gold crowns on his teeth replaced. We were not very nice- not judgmental, but riffing on the macabre. We think we are funny. We are all bat-s__t crazy.

I traded in a full bottle of Buster's .8 Thyrosyn for a full bottle of .1's which is Honey's size. I hope that doesn't tempt the devil like it did with Buster. She is perkier and getting around fine. I am waiting for her to give Buddy "a lesson." He needs one.
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