Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The O.F. Remembers

I remember when you had to wait for the newspaper to tell who won elections and there were actually policy discussions in them and no self-respecting editor would publish scurrilous accusations unless there was an arrest. Candidates actually had platforms they ran on.  It was more about the candidates defining themselves instead of defining the other guy as the biggest scoundrel in the universe. Then after the election the business of governing would begin before the campaign for the next election. Opponents sometimes even liked each other. It seems quaintly civilized in this day of instapundit and a professional chattering class. We now seem to be set for two more years of stalemate. A whole lotta hooplah for maintaining the status-quo.

Yesterday, at the Vet's, Gunda planted a seed of doubt. I asked about Honey's itchiness. She maintains that low thyroid is a major underdiagnosed condition and itchiness is a common presenting problem. They saw no fleas. Then I went home and Honey went directly to the warm bed and diappeared and I thought-"I am going away, don't know the vets in Florida-I'd better get her checked." So we went in again today. Honey was about 1 point below where she should be. A tiny pill divided in two, twice per day. She got one at dinner. The change was almost immediate. I got my bouncy girl back.

Buddy was awful at the Vet's. He marked  four times. In retrospect, I think he was mad about the attention, her nibs gets. They both like to go there. Honey is almost social with them.  Buddy is obviously pretty relaxed.

Leftovers tonight. I am still not eating much but I am, disappointingly, not wasting away very fast.