Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get by With a Little Help From My Friends

Recent nights have been hard, mornings hellish, afternoons, tolerable. The oxygen got turned up a notch (once again, no instruction-just the #3 on a prescription- I am now at #4) and that seems to help-breathing is not so laborious at night but the nights have been short. Awakening at 3 a.m. with no winks left and 15 degree temps outside is kind of depressing. Feeling poorly in the a.m. gives way to feeling OK as meds, moving, and bellowing improve things. I have fading patches of purple on my body. Between the Riverton Hospital laboratory and my local doctor, the coumadin got way high. I have been coasting for two days on that medication. The appetite is still dodgy. Certainly ready to eat until I actually do eat. But the "medical (transcriptionist) team" from the NW has been very helpful, allaying fears, advising, and informing. Sooz and Bon have heard it all.  The Cardio-rehab meetup will be Monday. They hadn't heard word one from Dr. Pickrell's office. I think it will be helpful and Debbie answered my questions -(what do I wear? BYOB oxygen? (no) what hours? what do we do? where is it? I picked up some sweats from K-Mart today. Sweats and suspenders in the Cardio unit. A fashion statement to be made I am sure.

Get-well cards and calls from Susie, Harry, Jackie, Richie, Matt, Audrey, are cheering. The doggies are trying- very trying. Without adult supervision they have tended to wander making me worry. My Droid phone has been misplaced-I have a glimmer of doing something with it but when you are working on light oxygen...

Better days ahead I am sure. Bolting to Florida has crossed my mind more than once. I know they have Cardiologists down there. Maybe they even remember you.