Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I was due for a coumadin level test and about 9:30 was the midpoint of the active life of the dose so I loaded the pups and we were off to the hospital. I still have impressive needle marks from the whole ordeal but this draw went well. I noticed walking through the blustery wind into the hospital that I had decent energy and felt pretty darn well-the happy hormones were coursing. And that is the way the morning progressed. Took my Cardio-Lab report card to Dr. Hedgecock and she wanted to see me. My  BP was 128/78- a record low to my knowledge. While I was there my coumadin report came in and I was given a prescription for .1  mg more.  She had received the fat Cardiology report from Casper. We visited. She said, subject to Dr. Pickrell's agreement she saw no problem with my driving to Florida. She wants a coumadin related medicalert bracelet. She said her mother carried on for thirty years after her atrial fibrillation was diagnosed.  I had an appointment in Casper with Dr.Pickrell and company tomorrow but just had a feeling I should check to see what the agenda was and if, indeed, I had an appointment that they remembered. The doctors were, in fact, to be elsewhere so we skipped this appointment "with a mid-level practitioner" and I will keep the one on the 2nd of December.Their report intimates they may want to try to straighten out my arrythmia with drugs or electricity. We shall see. A positive morning feeling good.  

In my enthusiasm I overdid a little this day. Got way tired and had to take two rests. 

I called Verizon to see about replacing my Droid. The customer service person was a fun black lady of a certain age. We visited away. Told her I had lost the phone after my heart attack and we relived some of the better shticks of "Sanford and Son."  She told me I was insured! My new phone is on its way. The old one will probably surface now.