Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nuke 'em, Danno

A new Emerson microwave fit exactly into the spot the Carousel came from. It is a little lower power than the old one but it has some nice features for $54.00. It is more quiet. Heats water for tea and coffee and those are the biggies. Unfortunately it makes the rest of my stuff look shabbier.

I have been freezing all day, except when in the Van. It is 21 degrees and the humidity is 64% out there. I took quite a bit of exercise today (walking). I got winded twice but it doesn't take too long for me to catch up. The doggies tried escaping several times but the electronic collars brought them back. Honey has gotten chummy with a dog across the street- my worst nightmare. We need to get on the road to Florida! David's big party is the 11th and I want to be there to take pictures. That is one of my most popular albums on the web. Last year some pictures got 225 viewings.