Friday, November 5, 2010

A Nice Surprise

Mike called this morning and he and Diana wanted to take me to dinner. We decided on a repeat at the Little Wind River Casino because it is a central 25 minute drive for us both-they come from Kinnear. Although this bad camera phone picture doesn't do her justice, Diana looked mahveleous, simply mahvelous. She is having some peaks. Her trip to Arizona to get her Finalist Award for the Willa Prize was top-notch. It was held at a posh dude ranch where every morning at breakfast 100 horses were herded past the dining room. The food was great, the readings were great, the workshops were great and her book is being very well received. Mike just beams on her. The Casino knows how to leave us smiling. Mike's "offers " totaled $30.00, Diana's $5 and mine was $5. All in aid of the next junket, I reckon.

A very nice bon-voyage gesture and always a treat to be with them. Nice, nice people. When we wired his self-built garage we had a good natured competition between the "Greek" and the "Italian." We "got her dun"-and it hasn't burned down...yet.

I was puzzled yesterday at the doctor's office. The lady who took my blood pressure asked about my dogs. I don't know her. The Dr. asked about my dogs-we talked dogs for awhile. New territory. When I got home I glanced down at the brand new black pants I put on to go to the doc-they were covered with Honey hair. They get points for observation skills, I get points off for being oblivious. They moved downtown into my old friend John Hursh's law offices. Lots of heavy wood-western style, handcrafted furniture. A comfortable place to be. Lots of space. John being at least 68 has decided to retire I hope. He has a unique home in the Wind River Canyon. His first wife, Nancy, was a running partner of mine post divorce.
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