Thursday, November 25, 2010


I've just partaken of the generous "dividend" Janet fixed me on my way out the door from their Thanksgiving Feast. I asked for one of her homemade rolls which I couldn't get around on the first go-around. Got way more than that. I had great calls earlier in the day, a laidback excellent feast at 1:00, a good visit with old friends and new and they had their woodstove cooking so I had a fire to back up to on this cold day-one of life's real pleasures.
Turkey and dressing, salad, cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, cheesecake with blueberry sauce. Earthly Delights!
Max said, "This is how you are supposed to look after Thanksgiving Dinner."
Backing up to the fireplace after a tour of the unfinished parts of the house. Their guests from Kinnear turned out to be friends of Mike and Diana who had also asked me for Thanksgiving. They are building also. They were interested in the house.

I needed a nap after we got home and I fed the doggies. Had a nice long chat with each of my boys this evening. A great day. Lots to be thankful for this year (and every year).
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