Thursday, December 30, 2010

Twenty-one Days

Twenty one days have passed since I last smoked a cigarette. All chemical traces are supposed have left my body. I have had a fairly easy time of it but the cravings have been strong the past two days. I am glad to be among encouraging people. I am walking between a half mile and a mile a day on dog walks. My blood pressure is within normal limits, oxygen level is good.  Dr. Cohn calls and we talk about test results and my vital signs. The primary problem of the past two weeks has been wound care. The implantation left a record-setting hematoma and a huge lump. Both are gradually receding but they have been no picnic.

Life is returning to normal. Eve left for Oregon yesterday and her stepsister Vickie and daughter Angela also left-for Oakland. Only one hanger-on: the O.F. The kids could not be more welcoming, helpful and caring. After dropping Eve for her flight we went to the John Prince Park for a meet and greet and to see the improvements. That was fun but I am not ready to set up camp yet.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

David and Jacqui's Christmas eve Dinner

David's driveway- brightened with L.E.D. lights this year.
I missed the big Christmas Party by reason of being detained by Good Samaritans in Kearney, Nebraska. A more intimate family dinner event took place on Christmas Eve. I'll post the party pictures.
Lobster bites-delicious

Jacqui compliments the chef
Click the photo below to see the album:
12252010 Christmas Eve at David and Jacqui's
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Kill The Bug Party 12/24/2010

Lori's "Kill the Bug Party" based on a West Texas Polish tradition thought to bring good health to the participants was a great success this year. Great food, lots of people and a few laughs as neighbors and friends showed up in their Pajamas (requested but not required).
Mostly provided drinks and food were augmented by "carry-in" and gift comestibles. Mimosa's , Bellinis, Bloody Mary's, Spiced Cider , Coffee and juice got the ball rolling. People came at eight and wandered in and out until one o'clock. Kids, dogs, friends abounded. Great fun.

More pictures of the fun at the picture link:
12242010 FL Kill the Bug!
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Florida at Last!

Learjet 55

"Snacks" in first class.

Buddy gets his own lap.

The "O.F" is well taken care of.

My left arm is still badly purple and sore from te implant. More tale telling later
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Sunday, December 19, 2010


Just kidding, the procedure went well. I am feeling better. Unfortunately, the newly created pocket for the ICD is  a tad tender making typing painful. Dr. Kutte wants to take two last tries at restoring all of my heart rhythms tomorrow. He'll take one with the ICD and failing that, he'll try with the classic paddles. Then we will checkout, head for Lincoln, NE  and get on the plane with the pooches. Three hours later with a tailwind, we will be in Ft. Lauderdale. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Device Day Minus 5...

Tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. I'll go in for the ICD implantation. Dr. Bibbler has been here, Dr. Kutte has been here, the anaesthetist has been for a visit, too. The procedure should take an hour or two depending on how long it takes to find my veins for the wires and how much fun they decide to have shocking the daylights out of me.

I have had other attention too. Jason and I took a walk to the Heliport pad, and saw some other sights in the hospital.I developed a chest pain and Dr. Kutte was on the floor when I got back. I was given a nitroglycerin tablet which helped. So I was glad to have this kind of experience in the safe environment-if I am going to have this kind of experience at all. I have to admit, I am profoundly grateful it happened  with Jason there. He is very helpful,has experience with Lori's similar issues and I need him here right now. So I got an EKG, and am now receiving an infusion to make my shocking work better as a converter to restore my heartbeat.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Patty, my nurse for the day, hooked me up to the telemetry reading machine. My Vitals went to a central spot instead of my room monitor. Thus set free, I embarked on several excursions trailing my oxygen tank behind me. Dr. Bibbler was my first contact: He is on tap for a Sunday morning insertion of my device. With this cast in stone, other things started to progress. The Charter flight, the checkout procedure, the meds...Everybody on Team Stephen was smiley today except when they were not. I had an ebb: low BP, and perhaps sugar. But that was transient. Jason was busier than I was by far but even he was forced into relax mode this evening. 

I am getting excited about the flight. On-flight catering called. Unfortunately they called Jason and he ordered things I can eat. I regret having to fly under these circumstances but that will not stop the enjoyment of this once in a lifetime experience.

While trekking on ICU, hoping to see my nurses, my respiratory therapist shooed us off the floor. I didn't recognize a thing on that floor.

There was a "CODE" on my hall. It was just like the movies: crash carts and personnel, at a dead run. I do not know how it turned out.  About the time you climb on the pity pot, you hear a story that makes you feel small. After whining to Val, my Cardiologist RN-PAC,  about the shifting  operation dates to insert my device, she wished me luck because she is setting off for the holdidays to see her terminally ill daughter. Kind of puts a perspective on things.

Dr "A" talked to me about my medications  and how much to cheat on my Lasix to ensure less fluid gain. He is my Hospitalist on the floor. He has worked hard to get my meds effective and reduced in number. I am getting decent numbers all around. 

I am really missing my  dogs. I know they are getting A-1 care but I need to pet them and play with them. The lady at the Best Western has given the dogs, Jason and the dog's handler, a ridiculously rate-low. I really am looking forward to the flight to Ft. Lauderdale and sitting on the deck watching the boats go by and doggies play.

My Chevy van is sitting in Jason's and Lori's Florida driveway. The driver is on his way to Phoenix tonight via USAir and he will enjoy there for awhile before heading back to Omaha.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hanging Out in Kearney

As much as I love hanging out with Jason, I am starting to feel badly for him. Dr. Kutte overestimated his ability to get Medicare to budge on their 40 day rule. We are here until Sunday at least and he has work issues, Christmas issues, Lori to think about, and a full plate here in Kearney. Kutte offered to prescribe a temporary "life belt defibrillator" but we mostly wish he had been more realistic at the get-go.

Life at Good Samaritan Hospital continues to be good for me. We are getting more good blood pressure numbers than bad. The Cardio-rehab lady assured me that after my procedure I would likely find a portion of life away from the tether of an oxygen tank. That was nice to hear even if it turns out to be blarney from Kearney.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Posies in the Winter

Camera phones are all we have at the hospital. A beautiful bouquet came from " the neighbors up the road," Guy and Janet. I love the deep reds. As we will be here a day or two more I should be able to extract the aroma and beauty before we have to cram everything into a Learjet. Jason has some real organizational skills. He also has a wicked sense of humor luring me the lobby art show when I was taking my oxygen tank for a walk.
There are beautiful red berries in the bouquet.
Tonight I got a lesson in how to inject myself with blood thinners in the stomach. I did well. I'll leave the hospital on that medicine and go back on Coumadin in Florida. This stuff is shorter acting so I have to shoot myself  twice a day, two shots each time. I am getting some decent blood pressure readings, good O2 readings, and blood sugar readings. BUT I AM STARVING.

Bob and Doris brought the Van Driver to Kearney. The driver left this morning and was heading due south to avoid storms-smart guy Lincoln is paralyzed by ice.We got another little visit. Enjoyed the warmth.  We will have to wait on taking a meal together.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pampered Pups

Joys of the midwest: Jason tipped generously because the dogs got 4 hours of grooming and getting good and dry before he picked them up. The bill was not very much compared to Florida. He later took the man who has been walking the dogs to dinner. Interesting story there. Somebody done somebody wrong, wrong, and wrong some more. We are talking Dr. Phil territory here.

My big news was the catheter went away. Kate, my day nurse today, deflated the balloon holding it in place internally, told me to take a deep breath and launched herself toward the wall with one hand on the catheter. The "deep breath" doesn't do much for the pain but you can't scream and take a deep breath at the same time. It is less upsetting on the staff. There was some suspense for a couple of hours but we are now going with the flow.

Dr. Bibbler, the surgeon was in to see me. My "procedure" is the one I need and the device I need is the second stage device-but I can't have it until Friday. So we are stuck here a little longer than we thought. The new van will head to Florida tomorrow in the hands of a flight attendant or a car thief -to be determined.

Dr. Kutty dropped by to discuss the situation with me while I was in the very nice bathroom attempting to have my first post heart-failure poop. I was nicely equipped with oxygen, a current newspaper and lots of time. I have never had a physician make a potty call before. Before long I felt I could tell him anything.
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Monday, December 13, 2010

Busy but not Productive

They are keeping me busy with pokings, proddings, pills, and processes. I love the lung therapy- a bubbling face mask opens things up and refreshes. I am about to get cut off water and everything in aid of the defibrillation device being implanted tomorrow afternoon. I may be delayed until Wednesday morning if my numbers aren't right in the morning.

Bob and Doris left this afternoon. It was so nice of them to come for support and help. Bob may bring the van driver  over. A Craig's List job by a retired flight attendant: The guy drives cars for a fee and uses his lifetime pass to fly standby home. The doggies are going to have a spa day tomorrow. If they are going fly private, they are going to look the part. Jason is in charge and I am just enjoying watching him operate.

I have lost 30 pounds of fluids. My ankles look like they did long ago-in shape. They weren't purple then. The level of health care continues on a high level. Nichole, my  night nurse (from Singapore) is a dandy professional. I'll have more to tell..

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nectar of the Gods!

And whoever thought that it would be ice chips to set me raving.  I have graduated from the ICU to the Progressive Care Unit of Kearney Good Samaritan Hospital. My fluids are restricted. I had a bout of Congestive Heart Failure with a capital F. The last thing I remembered was Connie, the motel owner and two beefy cops entering my room and Honey going ballistic.  I had called but I was in such respiratory distress I was grunting.

The dogs are fine: my neighbor on the other side volunteered to take care of them. The troops arrived from Gretna, Nebraska and Florida. Dr Kutty has overseen the loss of  8.5 Liters of fluid. The Lung guy let them take out the tubes this morning. Dr. Kutty, the Cardio guy, says a defibrillator is a must, given the Echocardiogram shows even more loss of function which increases the odds of  "the big one." He seems a sound man and I am inclined to go for it at this point. These events are losing their entertainment value rapidly.

In the freezing cold Bob, Doris and Jason completed the de-commissioning of the Green Van today. I suspect Jason, the dogs and I will fly private to Florida. The new van will get there some other way.

Meanwhile my fluids are restricted and every ice chip is treasured.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Turner's 1916 Model T Wrecker

One of 300 manufactured, Grandpa Turner is proud of this Model T baby. They have an ice cream maker they attach for parades. He also has a 1921 Chevy wrecker -one of three surviving machines. The Model T has a hemp rope and will lift 1000 pounds. Yup, I'm still in Kearney. After a bad night last night, I found the wonder of calories and was energized by a bowl of soup. I can finish in the daylight tomorrow. The hard parts are done. After you take three years to trick your vehicle out with a refrigerator, generator, Storage batteries, Satellite radio, and cell phone extenders for Wyoming, it takes some time to untrick it. Unfortunately bad weather is moving in. I may stay longer yet. Setting out with a new vehicle on uncertain roads seems to be tempting fate to me and fate has not been my best friend lately. The Best Western in Kearney is a congenial place to be in wild weather. We'll see.

A coterie of lefties? Being left handed, I notice other lefties. The Nebraska HP that took my accident report was a lefty. The wrecker driver from L&S, Elm Creek, NE, was a lefty. The Turner Grandson in charge is a lefty. The motel clerk is a lefty. All fine people, exceptionally kind and intelligent.
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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Road-ee ohs

The journey begins with white knuckles and a clenched butt. The road from Riverton to Casper was the worst! Snowpacked and slick for miles and miles. It took me three hours to get that leg past me. A driver for Rich's company said it was the worst day of driving he had ever had. That put me well behind schedule for a meetup with brother Bob near Omaha. (Gretna). Nebraska roads were dry so I hopped off Hwy 30 onto I 80. The infrastructure money being spent left me with a slack-jawed appreciation of improvements in 80. Much much better. After a nap at the Cozad, Nebraska east rest stop. We continued with the trucks whizzing past us. So I was completely surprised by the deer that we hit. Highway Patrol after 45 minutes, Wrecker after 2 hours. The van was taken to Turner's in Kearney after my willingness to pony up $65.00 to avoid being towed to Elm ?? population 1000. That was a good decision. Turner's couldn't have been nicer- Mr.Turner even found me a replacement vehicle. Low mileage (RELATIVELY) Chevy van. But I am still in Kearney, enjoying the Best Western Motel. I worked all day tranferring stuff to the new van but I play out. The air bag ripped off my wrist watch and I can't extend my elbow without considerable pain. Geico offered me a fair settlement. I should be able to finish up tomorrow and get back on the road. All schedules are off. Don't much care.

The doggies are fine, if neglected. Give them a king-size bed and The World Woof Wrestling Tournament begins.
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Monday, December 6, 2010

About to Launch

Busy day. As Thayne and I chatted on the way to the hospital on the 8th he was interested in a Sun break. We talked and I bought him a ticket to come visit in Florida- a thank you gift. Delores printed it out for me. Southwest is featuring some bodacious prices. The Florida trip will fall in the middle of the Denver Stock Show so he will use that to bookend his Florida jaunt. He works hard so I hope he has a great time. His plane lands at Palm Beach International which is about 20 minutes from John Prince Park so I'll snag him there.

I touched bases with Blue Cross and Humana to make sure my automatic payments are flowing and I have continuous coverage.  I've been using my Humana card at Wal-Mart while my meds are still in flux. I had my final appointment with Dr. Hedgecock for awhile. She gave me her email address! That is a good thing. We are dropping the Norvasc. If I start to puff up I can use my Lasix and Hydrochlorothiazide to get the ball rolling. Gotta keep after the potassium, though.

Went to the bank to load up an account. I'm on a budget this year. The banks are making it hand over fist but they aren't sharing the wealth in the form of interest. The heart attack is almost a relief. I am not worrying nearly as much about outliving my money. Still, I wish the Dodoes had been paying attention. I don't deserve this. None of us do.

The packing was going so well-then I noticed I couldn't see out. Some adjustments will be necessary. Some stuff is temporarily placed until I get the Oxygen concentrator located as a passenger. 

The water is shut off. Have a bucketful to final flush. Still a lot of last minute stuff to do tomorrow but I am sure we will get launched.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Keeping the Gas and Water Running

With recommended meds changes, I felt like crap on Saturday. I was bummed. But after a nap, which always produces a tinkle, things started flowing and flowing and I started to feel much better. It was still a slow-do-nothing day. Some med changes are going to be deferred for a few days.  The problem started with the meds which wired me up-I could not sleep, nor get my required horizontal time. The potassium is, however, required. That keeps the fluid running as well as other vital processes.

Today, Sunday, was much better and I feel like things are going to be better from now on. One thing the Casper P.A. said is that I should invest in a scale: one or two pounds variation in a day means fluid is building. I called Saturday to ask what I should do if that occurred. "Call us," was the answer.  Not a very practical answer. I did get some sorting and packing done today. Felt pretty darn well. Using stuff up. The doggies got ice cream today. A fairly pleasant day here and I am seeing a cold front is advancing on Florida. It is all an adventure!

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Tension is Thick

Daryne called to tattle on the dogs this afternoon. They were across the road headed up Ann McIntosh's lane. This is not good. I jumped in the van and zapped them all the way home. Buddy was scooting. They knew they had been bad. It has been very subdued in here. Buddy came to apologize or makeup awhile ago. Honey is still nursing hurt feelings.

It got up into the 40's today and I couldn't blame them for enjoying it but they have acres and acres on this side to enjoy.

It was off to the hospital this morning for a blood draw. My records from Dr. Hedgecock were ready as promised and I fixed a gift basket of fruit for that office. They are all trying to keep trim and fit and the parrot enjoys fruit too. Then the medical calls began. Wendy from Casper wanted to double my Carvedilol and start my statins after reviewing things with Dr. Wicks.( my BP is too high)  Later Jessica from Dr. Hedgecock called after getting the draw results-take another Potassium pill immediately and double up on those from now on. I made another appointment with Dr. Hedgecock on Monday. Wendy thought I needed more Lasix but deferred judgment until after the blood tests.

I'm going to finish packing this weekend. I'll leave Tuesday. (or Wednesday) I'm trying to be responsible here.

Cuz Donna called with a report on Eleanore's funeral. There was a good turnout. She was 97, not  92. The cemetery is Denver's oldest and holds other Bosco's and Roberts. She enjoyed seeing relatives she knew and quite a few she didn't  know. Had news. We are being asked to host another reunion. We will think on it.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Puhlease Release me, Let me go...

Somehow I had December 2nd on Friday. Jason straightened me out on that last night so I really did make my appointment in Casper at the CardioPulmonary place. I left early so I could meet with Rich and Val and cuz Jim and Susie for lunch. That was ever so nice to catch up with lives and catch a glimpse. Jim is in a state over his cancer recurrence and I don't blame him. Poor baby.  A low blow at this late stage but he is lined up with top oncologists from Boulder. Top oncologists or not, having your nose shaved until the cancer disappears is not a pleasant prospect.

Rich went with me to the meeting with the "mid-level practitioner" who turned out to be Wendy, a Physician's assistant who was all kinds of competent, thorough, and took pains to explain a lot to me. Moderate Heart attack-serious enough, no coronary disease, prognosis for restoring a normal rhythm. (four weeks of good coumadin scores are a pre-requisite before shock therapy), limitations, and how to cope, med adjustments (add a statin as a precaution). Richard and I have the same heart and we think our dad did too, though the medical arts were not this advanced then. I knew Rich had an angiogram in 1999 but he did not require a stent (nor would I) but his arrythmia is due to a bundle branch block which cannot be corrected.  But we have big old hearts that don't push enough blood. He exercises faithfully and takes his meds and his recent test has his expulsions up to about 65% which is pretty good considering. Mine is less than 40% . I really will need to consider the shock treatment. They are fine with me transferring to Dr. Cohn and driving to Florida.

Got the record requests in place. I was impressed as a techie: My EKG, and all other tests go right into a laptop and to central records. They can print them out at the push of a key. They scanned the records I brought right into the machine. I am now fasting for another blood draw tomorrow.

The ride to Casper was a good test. I am tired tonight but not bad. I will need to take breaks on the way to Florida because I need to move the fluid that settles in my legs.

The doggies were good as gold and got a nice treat. Honey is out barking at the moon right now. Buddy likes to be warm.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pecking Away

The annual trek to the post office for premium mail forwarding took place yesterday. Diane ("21 months until I retire") is the only one who knows how to do it.  We had our annual visit as well. I went to the Super Wal-Mart for my cardio: two times around the perimeter pushing a cart at a pretty good clip. Paused to admire the new Televisions and look at Christmas lights. I had ooomph left but it was bitter cold and I didn't want to leave the pups too long.

Had email from the PNW with advice and cautions. Nicole and Andre Skyped from Florida. Nicole was wiping her brow, I was in three layers.

Today was Cardio-Rehab at the Lander Hospital. Stamina was better. The blood pressure was high and the EKG was the same- Atrial fib with an occasional skip of the beat. My weight was down. Oxygen was pretty good at rest but a little low after exercise-not bad. I did the routine without supplementary oxygen so that was pretty good. I finally got the knack of the treadmill after I reduced the nurses to tears of laughter. They thought I was clowning- I wasn't.  Tripled at least my times on the pedal machines. I had energy to go on but Nurse Rita had seen all she needed to see.

The roads even today were a caution but it is all the way up to 35 degrees so there is some melt going on.  The dogs went AWOL as soon as we got home. I am waiting.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Ticking items off the list

It is headed for 3 below tonight. Getting things done for departure is taking precedence. I had Delores print off Dr. Cohn's forms. My printer was on the fritz. Nice little visit with her and others at my old office. Took said forms to my Primary doc. I got a prescription for an Oxygen Concentrator but the one I thought I wanted I didn't want after talking to the vendor. I went to Lincare- my oxygen vendor. The blue behemoth I have is their portable model and can go with me.  Maybe I will wait awhile. I have some appointments for blood draws and an appointment with Cardiologists in Casper on Friday. Between now and then I hope to have many other details taken care of: mail forwarding, automatic payments for electricity, insurance, etc.

The Droid replacement arrived-it was here on Friday but my regular UPS guy wasn't, so the substitute slapped a notice on my Van! Bill brought it today. Wonder of wonders, Google had all my apps remembered  and the thing is completely restored. That is kind of creepy but convenient.

Crummy news is rolling in. Great Aunt Eleanore Bosco passed peacefully at age 92. That is not so sad-that is the way of all flesh though it is sad to say goodbye. Our friend Rene in Quebec is backsliding on his brain tumor. We had been so hopeful that he would get another Florida season. Canadians have to get permission from their health care insurance to travel to the U.S. because our costs are so much higher. Anybody with pre-existing conditions can get slapped with a huge deductible-like $20,000. We are all feeling bad about this.

Jeanne said the gossip at the campground is that I had a pacemaker installed. Criminetly! Makes me want to hide or change campgrounds (like there is a choice!) Maybe I'll rent a walker and have some fun with them.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

White Christmas

It is snowing, cars are creeping down the highway, PBS has Andre Bocelli and other stars singing David Foster's over the top Christmas arrangements, warm and toasty in here. The music is working its magic-banishing the "bah humbugs" momentarily. I'll enjoy the mood tonight and hope it goes away by the morning.

I have Cardio Rehab in the morning and I would like to go if the roads are not too slick. I feel like I have been making good progress on my own but I would like the benchmarks to be noted. I also have a few questions for Rita, R.N. Not worth going in the ditch, however.

Just talked to Daryne to warn him the roads are slick. He has been driving their semi today so he knows. Macey is 16 and has been driving the kids to school and I was worried about that. Kristi will drive. My work as a fussbudget is now over.

Jason sent some hilarious pictures. Lori's mom's Christmas Tree toppled. A Christmas card was born.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nuke 'em, Danno

A new Emerson microwave fit exactly into the spot the Carousel came from. It is a little lower power than the old one but it has some nice features for $54.00. It is more quiet. Heats water for tea and coffee and those are the biggies. Unfortunately it makes the rest of my stuff look shabbier.

I have been freezing all day, except when in the Van. It is 21 degrees and the humidity is 64% out there. I took quite a bit of exercise today (walking). I got winded twice but it doesn't take too long for me to catch up. The doggies tried escaping several times but the electronic collars brought them back. Honey has gotten chummy with a dog across the street- my worst nightmare. We need to get on the road to Florida! David's big party is the 11th and I want to be there to take pictures. That is one of my most popular albums on the web. Last year some pictures got 225 viewings.

Friday, November 26, 2010

One of those days!

I was looking forward to a quiet day. The Droid was supposed to come (but didn't) and I was looking forward to programming and piddling with it. In deference to the UPS man (Bill) I brought the dogs in for the middle of the day. They were like kids-running and wrestling in the house which amuses me but when I let them out they disappeared. I called and called, whistled, used the electronic collar pagers, got in the Van to search, told Daryne, and he went looking-borrow pits for bodies, asking other neighbors, and all. Eventually he called. He spotted them a couple of pastures over-having a ball in the wetlands. I made eye contact and called them. Daryne's cattle and the guard llamas saw them too and gave chase. It served the naughty dogs right and it was pretty funny to watch. They know they did wrong but I don't think the lesson will last. I was hoofing it and moving right along. I am definitely on the mend but I was vexed and worried. I do not need that.

I decided to heat some water for tea and my microwave bade me farewell with an impressive flash. I don't understand. It has worked perfectly for 20 years. I will replace it tomorrow if I can find something to go in the same space. Microwaves have come down a great deal in cost. 

I started getting a little superstitious- is the Universe sending me a message? Chaos and wearing things out.hmmm.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I've just partaken of the generous "dividend" Janet fixed me on my way out the door from their Thanksgiving Feast. I asked for one of her homemade rolls which I couldn't get around on the first go-around. Got way more than that. I had great calls earlier in the day, a laidback excellent feast at 1:00, a good visit with old friends and new and they had their woodstove cooking so I had a fire to back up to on this cold day-one of life's real pleasures.
Turkey and dressing, salad, cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, cheesecake with blueberry sauce. Earthly Delights!
Max said, "This is how you are supposed to look after Thanksgiving Dinner."
Backing up to the fireplace after a tour of the unfinished parts of the house. Their guests from Kinnear turned out to be friends of Mike and Diana who had also asked me for Thanksgiving. They are building also. They were interested in the house.

I needed a nap after we got home and I fed the doggies. Had a nice long chat with each of my boys this evening. A great day. Lots to be thankful for this year (and every year).
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Minus 9 degrees

The day started cold and got a little better. Layering up? Try 5 layers. I stayed comfortable as I trotted around. My  Droid was supposed to arrive but the UPS tracking thing was goofy so I went to town to check the UPS place. (The phone was delivered)  I did my Wal-Mart Cardio. Pushed a cart through the obstacle courses at a good clip. Black Friday fever is besetting the Natives. Bought some coffee and some hostess offerings Ghirardelli chocolate, a Good Housekeeping apple clove candle, and fresh flowers for tomorrow's table at Guy and Janet's. I delivered them today thinking the flowers would fare better at Janet's than here.

I was excited about the Droid but I had forgotten about the micro-SD memory card which was necessary to restore all my applications. Off to town again to buy one. I settled for a smaller card than that I had in the old Droid. I can live with only twenty or thirty hours of music. The new Droid would not accept the card-the phone slot was screwed up. Gnashing of teeth! Asurion got a call. They dispatched a replacement of the replacement. Due in Friday. We will see.

Eve called. A get-well call. We had a nice visit. I still marvel at how two people can have such completely different "takes" on the same events. The Florida kids bought her a first class ticket for 8 days in Florida for Christmas. We had a nice time last year when we coincided. I will look forward to the same. She is having nine guests/carry in food folks for Thanksgiving. Mostly members from her "Dream Group." It sounds like a very interesting time. Son Matt is going to give this a pass and be with friends.

Brother Rich is putting Valerie on the plane for a "girls time" with her daughters in Sedona, AZ for Thanksgiving. Spa time. Rich will go to his daughter and Tom's for the truly gourmet feast they put on. He will enjoy that and I think he may may even enjoy a little "down time" though he does not do awfully well alone. We will talk I am sure.

The current is fluctuating here tonight for the second time. I called High Plains Power and put the screws to them: "What about my oxygen if the power goes out?"  Heh, heh.  The power has been interrupted a lot in the past few months. If the power goes out I will waste no time getting in the van. I will freeze before I draw my last gasp. They need to do better. If it hadn't been better for the past 25 years, they might be able to get away with it. I am turning into a Senior Screamer! Condo commando next.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I was due for a coumadin level test and about 9:30 was the midpoint of the active life of the dose so I loaded the pups and we were off to the hospital. I still have impressive needle marks from the whole ordeal but this draw went well. I noticed walking through the blustery wind into the hospital that I had decent energy and felt pretty darn well-the happy hormones were coursing. And that is the way the morning progressed. Took my Cardio-Lab report card to Dr. Hedgecock and she wanted to see me. My  BP was 128/78- a record low to my knowledge. While I was there my coumadin report came in and I was given a prescription for .1  mg more.  She had received the fat Cardiology report from Casper. We visited. She said, subject to Dr. Pickrell's agreement she saw no problem with my driving to Florida. She wants a coumadin related medicalert bracelet. She said her mother carried on for thirty years after her atrial fibrillation was diagnosed.  I had an appointment in Casper with Dr.Pickrell and company tomorrow but just had a feeling I should check to see what the agenda was and if, indeed, I had an appointment that they remembered. The doctors were, in fact, to be elsewhere so we skipped this appointment "with a mid-level practitioner" and I will keep the one on the 2nd of December.Their report intimates they may want to try to straighten out my arrythmia with drugs or electricity. We shall see. A positive morning feeling good.  

In my enthusiasm I overdid a little this day. Got way tired and had to take two rests. 

I called Verizon to see about replacing my Droid. The customer service person was a fun black lady of a certain age. We visited away. Told her I had lost the phone after my heart attack and we relived some of the better shticks of "Sanford and Son."  She told me I was insured! My new phone is on its way. The old one will probably surface now.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lovely Rita, Oximeter Maid

Fifteen degrees this a.m. but my appointment wasn't until 11:00 a.m. We trekked to Lander and after a 40 minute wait to put us in our place, I was outpatient admitted. Rita, the R.N. in charge of the Cardiac Rehab, however, was a welcome exception. "Tell me your story." And I got to ask questions and show and tell my purple spots and fatted calves. I learned  how to work an oxygen tank. The Lasix was on overtime. We went over the papers I brought and the meds list. I did the treadmill-not quite 2 minutes- I was not a natural on that machine. Two other pedalling machines were better. I was hooked up to a heart monitor and BP and oxygen were monitored frequently. Heart and lungs and my very impressive stomach rumblings were listened to and there were no secrets. Conditions were named and explained: "atrial fibrillation," "pitting edema," congestive heart failure. Coumadin and its purposes: atrial fibrillation tends to make clots. Coumadin prevents clots.  Atrial Fibrillation sometimes comes and goes, sometimes never goes, can sometimes be helped and sometimes can't. Top of the heart is essentially dithering, the bottom of the heart is doing all the work. All in all, very valuable and I will look forward to continuing. 

Did a little shopping because it was snowing and I didn't want to get caught short. Got home and gave the dogs time to romp, I called them in and we went to the bed. Nap time and Oxygen. Rita thinks I did well at 2 l.p.m. oxygen on exercise but thinks I may need more "at rest." The snow didn't amount to diddly.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Got some noonday sunshine through the windows, the space heater I picked up yesterday provides just the degree of toastiness I needed and has some to spare, and I felt pretty darn good all day long. The purple patches on my thighs are lumpy but receding. Jason and Lori have called two days in a row with a generous offer to ship my Van to Florida, and send one of David's planes to take my sorry carcass to Florida. I am mulling this seriously but my bottom line is I ought to be functioning well enough under my own steam before I leave home. I think I am functioning that well but a bit of what they have in store for me in the way of evaluation and therapy will put me in better shape to do better and build confidence. I have coumadin tests, and a meetup with the Casper Cardiologist, Dr. Pickrell, on the 24th. Jason did get me on his Doctor's patient list-I jumped at that. Couldn't be better. Dr. Cohn was a head of Cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic before he entered concierge practice. That means ease of access and lots of time with patients. So I have a Florida Cardiologist and will get the ball rolling on getting records sent. That said, anymore dodgy stuff from the medicos in the area and I am out of here. Knowing there is an alternative and a backup plan means the world.

I took a little fresh air today-it was kind of brisk so I didn't overdo. I searched for the Droid some more. I think Buddy knows where it is. I sure don't.  The doggies stuck to safe territory today. I've been buzzing them back and they are not above sneaking but they did well.

Jeanne sent campground pictures-improvements and my paved campsite. Those Florida skies are BLUE. Nicole and Andre arrived today.  I am anxious to get there.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Trending Upwards

Friday was just a day but pleasant enough. Consumed a little protein and some pie. Took my meds, fiddled around. There are some ups and downs within a day but a little rest with the oxygen on usually does the trick. The night-time oxygen really seems to help the healing. I am encouraged. I am getting some good numbers on the oximeter at times. I can't really attribute them to anything I am doing other than the meds which seem to be working as designed.

I am being religious about the electronic dog collars. The wandering was getting way out of hand. They were also not as quick to respond to a call as they should have been. Buddy is definitely the instigator but he wouldn't be wandering without the backup of the big girl. The drivers are getting sloppy about speeding again, though the BIA is patrolling and stopping folks.

I need to do some racing around today. A real cold spell is coming upon us and I'd better get some preparations taken care of. I hate it but must endure the cold for awhile longer. Today may be the last bearable day to be outside for awhile.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Good Day!

Slow start to a warmer day but it kept on getting better. I had plenty of air last night, next to no movement, and arose after 8:00. Went to the store this morning and almost needed to rest on the way in, but the movement helped and before long I was gabbing and visiting with people I knew. Grandpa Harry was in fine form and I showed him my oximeter-his is not as nice, he said. Brag, Brag. Our levels were pretty good. Mine got to 95 which is a new high since this began. Checks since then were a little lower but no 80's so I felt good about that as well as feeling well. 

Daryne brought Tye down for a visit. Tye had picked up that I spent the night in Casper and needed to see if I was all right. He wants to go with next time. He has a great teacher this year and his language is getting so much better. I was impressed.

Mike called- we had some belly laughs.Human folly, mostly our own, sets us off!  Richie called on his way back from Powell, WY. He had a great tale about Rodney Garvin and Rodney's Excellent RV Adventure. Rodney left his Toyota tow car in gear and pulled it up the west coast quite a distance. $12,500 worth of ruined. Rod has more money where that came from so he kind of sees it is funny. Rod got real Christian some time ago and swore off swearing.  His wife nearly popped a gussett watching him swallow cursewords. The whole tale is worth a long story or short book.

Dinner was one sliver of pumpkin pie from a $3.00 special at Wally World. It was good and it was sufficient.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get by With a Little Help From My Friends

Recent nights have been hard, mornings hellish, afternoons, tolerable. The oxygen got turned up a notch (once again, no instruction-just the #3 on a prescription- I am now at #4) and that seems to help-breathing is not so laborious at night but the nights have been short. Awakening at 3 a.m. with no winks left and 15 degree temps outside is kind of depressing. Feeling poorly in the a.m. gives way to feeling OK as meds, moving, and bellowing improve things. I have fading patches of purple on my body. Between the Riverton Hospital laboratory and my local doctor, the coumadin got way high. I have been coasting for two days on that medication. The appetite is still dodgy. Certainly ready to eat until I actually do eat. But the "medical (transcriptionist) team" from the NW has been very helpful, allaying fears, advising, and informing. Sooz and Bon have heard it all.  The Cardio-rehab meetup will be Monday. They hadn't heard word one from Dr. Pickrell's office. I think it will be helpful and Debbie answered my questions -(what do I wear? BYOB oxygen? (no) what hours? what do we do? where is it? I picked up some sweats from K-Mart today. Sweats and suspenders in the Cardio unit. A fashion statement to be made I am sure.

Get-well cards and calls from Susie, Harry, Jackie, Richie, Matt, Audrey, are cheering. The doggies are trying- very trying. Without adult supervision they have tended to wander making me worry. My Droid phone has been misplaced-I have a glimmer of doing something with it but when you are working on light oxygen...

Better days ahead I am sure. Bolting to Florida has crossed my mind more than once. I know they have Cardiologists down there. Maybe they even remember you.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Human Pincushion

I am not an "easy stick" but the phlebotomists gamely bleed me in as kindly a fashion as they can muster. I am really kind of annoyed-the specialists seem to know what is up but they seem unwilling to share with me. I got a fat pack of material in Casper of which three small paragraphs and a checklist pertain to me: mostly stuff I am supposed to do. Nothing is really named. From the prescription for the Cardio Program in Lander, the risk stratification is checked at the very worst level. Whether that is legal, motivational, or medical is anybody's guess. It is hard not to take it as medical. Coupled with an array of new meds and sensations, pains, and feelings, it is hard to remain optimistic let alone calm every time a gas bubble pauses on its way up or down.

Of more help is a website called "The Manual" written by CHF people. I was gasping and my limbs were numb and it advised to pay attention to those electrolytes. Thirty minutes later I am energized enough to moan and complain.  I would still be "on hold" to one of the geniuses I am paying to oversee my case. Other useful information: Lie down on the right side only: can't breathe in any other position. I was finding that out in a pretty stressful fashion. Drink no more than two liters of liquid daily. That piece of information would have been useful weeks ago. The cigarette situation has gone backwards a bit. I am doing about ten per day-mouthing them, play smoking, and otherwise playing with them before lighting up and guiltily stubbing them out at the halfway mark.
I stopped by the Oxygen place yesterday and got an oximeter. Pretty marginal levels but better this afternoon with electrolytes on board.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Foul to Fair

Way cold this morning and humid to boot. I couldn't get warm so we took to the Van and used the heater to get us to Wal-Mart Parking lot for a solar bath. Then I went inside for my "cardio" walkabout. My medicated rear was dragging but after some distance and some quick visits, things began to look up. Jason called for a good visit. I returned a call to cuz Ann banking on her judgmental tight derrierre being on a pew in Grand Prairie, TX. Called that one right. Took a family size rotisserie chicken home for Sunday dinner. Loved the cranberries. We had family time, after lunch, on the bed, Oxygen for me, wrestling for the fuzz-faces while I truly enjoyed the first decent Bronco game of the season.

The dogs went afar toward dusk, raising my anxiety and ire. Cuz Jim called, Richie called. Matt called last night. People are being so solicitous that I wonder if they know something I don't.  I have figured out from the papers from the doc's office that this heart episode has ramifications but I am not writing myself off.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The National Christmas Tree

The picture deserves a click, as this 81 foot tree starts its journey to the White House. Wyoming's first national Christmas tree. Janet sent the picture and with the Teton's in the back it is a great one.

It was a mixed bag day for me. Up early in the cold, cold, to go the hospital for tests. Dr. Pickrell said I needed to be tested daily for my coumadin level-too much and I bleed out, not enough then it is not effective. Results to be faxed to his office, feedback to me. Only they didn't feedback. I was calling around at 4:30 pm-playing Dr. Games with the phone systems. Got dumped twice. Annoyed isn't the word. Enraged comes closer. Since I was in the neighborhood for the earlier tests, I popped over to my old offices to see Delores and Mike and reassure them I was fine. We had some good laughs. Mike's war stories about his heart attack were helpful to me. The new med regimen does seem to be helping the water flow. Doggies got Arby's, I got nothing.

I spent some time surfing the Web for Oxygen Accumulators-portable. My new best friend makes a big difference in my life. I can take a lie down with air and coast for a few hours after that. The problem is the Medicare issued one is too big for the car-sucks a lot of juice, too. I want to own rather than have Medicare rent one for me to the tune of $140.00/ month. The market is like for those scooters such as the "Rascal." About $1000.00 if you could buy it retail but if Medicare buys it they get $4,000.00. A total screw job. More searching to do. Cylinders are good for about 3 hours. Florida is a 24 drive time.

Janet, bless her soul, brought some wonderful chicken soup. Wild rice, and lots of veggies and yummy stuff in it and I did a better job eating it than anything else I have tried for days. She came as the Fegler's were cleaning out their truck van. Jock Cross from Dubois called them and said "Come get your cattle." So the pasture is filling up and the high meadows will likely be filling with snow very soon. Cozy thoughts with homemade chicken soup, cattle in the pasture and snow in the high country.

I am looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow-no more docs until Monday.
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Busy Day after it got started

Delicious uninterrupted sleep last night with the aid of the oxygen concentrator.  I was able to wangle an appointment with my Doc at 3:30. That left some nap time before then. Daylight Savings going off has me all screwed up anyway. I took my packet from Casper and was mostly interested in how I was supposed to access lab services locally to do my Coumadin monitoring. Casper did not modify my  normal prescription protocol but added some to achieve their goals of relieving pressure on my enlarged heart and getting a better beat out of it. I scored some free samples of Plavix which is a pricey drug that I may only require for a month. Wal-Mart is so busy that their prescription call in line had not even disgorged my prescriptions to be filled after an hour. I was fading a bit after a two hour wait. 

Dominos did dinner- the doggies were very impressed with the wings. I was up to my current trick-really hungry until that first piece of Hawaiian pizza got to my gullet-then it was all over. Hope it keeps well.

The doggies time alone cemented their relationship-they are snuggling each other now. Buddy was on top of, under, through, into, around everything. I take pride in being able to locate stuff in my messes. Perhaps, no more.

Thayne, is my " unofficial god child." I had told him there was burger in the fridge for the dogs. This morning he arrived with burger crumbles and bread for the dogs. He said our vet, Gunda, told him that bread and butter was a good treat for dogs. Thayne was virtually a silent child when I started hauling him to and from school those many years ago. His dad told me when I bought ice cream for him and my dogs, Thayne decided I was "all right."  That said, I need to find something very nice to do for him.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Kindness of Others

A time comes when you need to depend on the kindness of others-strangers as well as friends and family.  Mine came Monday night when I was stricken with feeling very, very ill and my looming suspicion I was experiencing a heart attack. I called Thayne and he dropped the trailer from his pickup and picked me up in front of my house. He skilfully sped to Riverton Hospital where they took one look, took my word, and went to work. They consulted with Dr. Pickerel, Cardiologist, at Wyoming Medical Center, who O.K'd a shot of clotbuster. Then I was packed up and Life-Flighted to Casper in the new fixed wing ambulance. Thayne. bless his soul .waited the three hours while tests, X-Rays, etc. took place, then promised to take care of my dogs. A huge load off my mind. Brother Richard met me at the Wyoming Medical Center.

The next morning I was prepped for an angiogram-wires up the arteries to check things out in the heart. The clotbuster medication had done its job-my pipes were clean as a whistle but I have an arrythmia, and an enlarged heart that doesn't contract as well as it should. Dr Wick's surgical tech said she had never seen so large an aorta. One is awake during this procedure and a third Dr., Eisenhower, weighed in on what was being seen and should be done. The strategy for me is to strengthen the heart beat through rest and rehab-medicines. After one of my room attendants noted that my level of oxygen at rest was below 50, this was evaluated, and I came home with an oxygen accumulator. Rich brought me home-he is a good brother.

No way in hell will I be leaving for Florida by the 12th. I have weeks of med adjustments head of me. I am glad to be alive to make the adjustments. The Riverton Emergency personnel said it was a classic save. I remembered to take my aspirin. Treatment began within an hour of being stricken. They would have preferred that an ambulance transported me but they weren't the ones in pain and I trusted Thayne's driving on 17 Mile Road more than any occasional driver. He did save my life.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

In the Slammer

Thayne called last night. His horsebrush disappeared. He had told Guy to just leave it on a bale of hay. He looked all over for it then remembered how Buddy was "helping me" clean the Van: grab and run. He wondered, if by any chance, Buddy might have misappropriated it. Officer McHoney and Sgt. McGrump took all of ten minutes to check his caches. Guilty as charged! He is a little thief but fortunately he likes his stuff and keeps it together. His toys always come back.
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Friday, November 5, 2010

A Nice Surprise

Mike called this morning and he and Diana wanted to take me to dinner. We decided on a repeat at the Little Wind River Casino because it is a central 25 minute drive for us both-they come from Kinnear. Although this bad camera phone picture doesn't do her justice, Diana looked mahveleous, simply mahvelous. She is having some peaks. Her trip to Arizona to get her Finalist Award for the Willa Prize was top-notch. It was held at a posh dude ranch where every morning at breakfast 100 horses were herded past the dining room. The food was great, the readings were great, the workshops were great and her book is being very well received. Mike just beams on her. The Casino knows how to leave us smiling. Mike's "offers " totaled $30.00, Diana's $5 and mine was $5. All in aid of the next junket, I reckon.

A very nice bon-voyage gesture and always a treat to be with them. Nice, nice people. When we wired his self-built garage we had a good natured competition between the "Greek" and the "Italian." We "got her dun"-and it hasn't burned down...yet.

I was puzzled yesterday at the doctor's office. The lady who took my blood pressure asked about my dogs. I don't know her. The Dr. asked about my dogs-we talked dogs for awhile. New territory. When I got home I glanced down at the brand new black pants I put on to go to the doc-they were covered with Honey hair. They get points for observation skills, I get points off for being oblivious. They moved downtown into my old friend John Hursh's law offices. Lots of heavy wood-western style, handcrafted furniture. A comfortable place to be. Lots of space. John being at least 68 has decided to retire I hope. He has a unique home in the Wind River Canyon. His first wife, Nancy, was a running partner of mine post divorce.
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Another Task Out of the Way

My doctor was generous with her time, thorough, had good advice, good judgement and we had a nice visit besides. I am not a big doctor visitor and they had lost my file again- I guess you have to go more often than once a year. But the doctor stopped  by the waiting room and we visited a little there so the always new staff members knew I was legit.

I was disappointed- I had only lost 5 pounds since last year but that beats a gain. My BP was a little high and she tweaked my meds for that. Told me not sweat the Uric Acid  unless I get gouty. She said to take the Saw Palmetto faithfully, take another test in the spring and we'll see if I need to go to the urologist. You can bet I WILL take the Saw Palmetto faithfully-those guys love their scalpels.  She is knowledgeable about supplements and is of the "whatever works" school. The Iron up here is a good idea, ease off in Florida. There is a med that will help with the altitude transition. Going to try a supplement called Thyroid support. I can pick up my prescriptions. It is a little bit like a confessional- we discussed the "three bites thing,' and other stuff. Having unburdened myself, I feel...unburdened.

Always good to get past this milestone.

Honey continues to improve. She got in the mud today with her partner in crime. It is too cold for me to supervise 100% of the time. Buddy definitely needs to settle down a little. He is also getting pudgy. That needs to be curtailed though he is just a riot as he scoots everywhere.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Northern Climes

Andre sends this picture of the snow in Quebec: Nicole in their yard. Their condo is in a ski resort but they are ready for Florida too. Old bones...

Brother Rich called this morning and wanted to meet for lunch at 11:30. We met at Austin's, a former Golden Corral that is much improved as an independent. We had a good visit. Some good laughs. Family is easy-you tend to think the same things are bizarre. The cousin who is going to do nothing about his head cancer is seeking a source of funds to get his gold crowns on his teeth replaced. We were not very nice- not judgmental, but riffing on the macabre. We think we are funny. We are all bat-s__t crazy.

I traded in a full bottle of Buster's .8 Thyrosyn for a full bottle of .1's which is Honey's size. I hope that doesn't tempt the devil like it did with Buster. She is perkier and getting around fine. I am waiting for her to give Buddy "a lesson." He needs one.
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The O.F. Remembers

I remember when you had to wait for the newspaper to tell who won elections and there were actually policy discussions in them and no self-respecting editor would publish scurrilous accusations unless there was an arrest. Candidates actually had platforms they ran on.  It was more about the candidates defining themselves instead of defining the other guy as the biggest scoundrel in the universe. Then after the election the business of governing would begin before the campaign for the next election. Opponents sometimes even liked each other. It seems quaintly civilized in this day of instapundit and a professional chattering class. We now seem to be set for two more years of stalemate. A whole lotta hooplah for maintaining the status-quo.

Yesterday, at the Vet's, Gunda planted a seed of doubt. I asked about Honey's itchiness. She maintains that low thyroid is a major underdiagnosed condition and itchiness is a common presenting problem. They saw no fleas. Then I went home and Honey went directly to the warm bed and diappeared and I thought-"I am going away, don't know the vets in Florida-I'd better get her checked." So we went in again today. Honey was about 1 point below where she should be. A tiny pill divided in two, twice per day. She got one at dinner. The change was almost immediate. I got my bouncy girl back.

Buddy was awful at the Vet's. He marked  four times. In retrospect, I think he was mad about the attention, her nibs gets. They both like to go there. Honey is almost social with them.  Buddy is obviously pretty relaxed.

Leftovers tonight. I am still not eating much but I am, disappointingly, not wasting away very fast.

Monday, November 1, 2010


A dusting of snow by the side of the road and the Snowplows were out! They were headed for the mountains because the roads were dry here in the valley today but the sight of one was a warning.

Honey got her soft wrap today. She has to be careful for two weeks while her muscles re-build. The leg was pronounced sound, the sore was all but healed. She got sedated again but is doing just fine, had some dinner and is complaining about not being outdoors. Buddy and I had to leave the Vet's office because he was busy marking everywhere. He can be a complete love and a complete nuisance. I stopped at the locksmith to get a Van key for my wallet, went to the Vet's, went in to see if the coast was clear, and came out-he had locked the door. I stayed ahead of him for once-the key works.

Blogger friends in Casper have gone back into the pet mode. They have a rescue Brittany who has attached himself and I can see by photos, the graft has taken. They also got a used cat. Newly retired, their days are going to be fuller now. They are very responsible pet owners and the walks and doting will now commence. Lucky all around-they got good critters and the critters found a great place to be.

My doctor appointment is Thursday afternoon. I'm making notes. I always forget something.

A nice email from Janet. They rode the river on horseback on Sunday. Many hours in the saddle. I envied the picture but not the reality. Once upon a time I did that sort of thing and enjoyed it immensely but I would have not lasted. They found 11 of 12 cows they were looking for.

A welcoming email from Jason. I need to be clear that my whining is sometimes just venting. He wondered if I needed help with my insurance. The money  involved is just a pittance in the grand scheme of things I just hate being taken for a ride.

Speaking of whining, the Feglers have weaned their calves. There is a great din in the pasture and the coyotes are coming out of curiosity and hope. Those calves are pretty darn big. No worries. They are also getting winter coats- I love them when they are fuzzy.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weird Day

I awoke at 3:00 a.m.and realized I was done sleeping for awhile. Not so the puppies who awaited dawn. They went out, came back in about 6:30, chilled, so we all went back to bed. Mid-morning awakening.  I decided to go to town just on a lark. McRib for me, double cheese plains for the dogs. Wal-Mart got a visit for forgotten items. Buddy was a little pill.:I don't know what his problem was. He can work the door locks and the power window on the passenger's side. I am taking the keys with me-always.

The Broncos stunk up a stadium in London, England so I didn't do my football time. I used to make a great meatloaf but I didn't succeed in making an edible one this year until today. I browsed the web for inspiration. Meatloaf and new potatoes and green beans. Comfort food. The loaf was spicy but the dogs didn't mind.

I spent quite a lot of time with the Humana 2011 plan for prescription drugs. What a racket. Back when the AARP was selling us seniors down the river, a clause was put in that you have to pay a penalty if you let your plan lapse. So we are over a barrel.  Just putting a pencil to to it, I could beat the cost of the new premiums alone by buying the drugs at Wal-Mart: $60 a quarter versus $118 per quarter for the premium. They have also upped the co-pays for the drugs. Of course you can't tell if you are going to need some expensive drug down the line, so you are afraid to tell them to stick it. The cost of my plan doubled last year and is a third more than that for 2011. No COLA from Social Security for two years, so I am going backwards. I need to do this stuff so I can take the Humana formulary to my doctor so she can write the prescriptions. Do I have confidence the new Health Care plan is anything but a big gift to the Insurance Industry? NO.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Janet

Janet and Guy, her parents, Susie and Max, and down the river neighbor, me, gathered at the big Casino for a nice visit and delicious meal. Not really Janet's natal day but the day it is celebrated this year. It was relaxed and convivial, all were pleased with their food. Janet saw some good friends. The Casino was hopping-very busy. I surveyed the license plates and folks are coming from miles around. The gifts were well received but Janet put the fix in on the ticket. She bought! Glad I went and had a good time.

My blood tests arrived in the mail today- a day late. I went from about an A- to a B-. A few more problem areas this year. Most of those were barely out of range. Surprisingly, my blood sugar score was very good- well controlled- better than last year. Potassium, my nemesis. was low. Uric Acid pretty darn high- no more liver for me, less coffee, more water. Cholesterol-low, good cholesterol  also low. I have been religious about olive oil and fish oil. I can't budge this number. PSA was barely over the reference range. Saw Palmetto every day from here on out. My iron was on the low end of normal which surprised me because I have been taking iron supplements and B12. I am glad to know I haven't been overdoing those. Will make the Doc appointment Monday now that we have something scientific to talk about in addition to my neurotic imaginings.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sure Happy It is Friday...

and 60 degrees and sunshiny and the wind isn't blowing. A blast of sunshine makes the spirits rise. Pecking away at departure stuff. It is a frame of mind. Remembering the things that must be attended before leaving and taking those few things (mostly toys) that are not duplicated in Florida. Then too, the nightmarish Part D Insurance for Medicare. The options are many. The insurance companies are gaming everybody. My little brother keeps coming up with horror stories and doom and gloom from his former colleagues at Blue Cross. The lastest, that I can't believe, is that you have to visit your doctor every 90 days to get your prescriptions re-upped. That would put me in a pinch.  I'll find out soon.  Blue Cross did say that my Part B premium would remain the same for the next year.

I have been processing less than cheerful news. Mom's chum and our distant relative, Velma Ward, passed on the 25th. She was in her 80's and had health issues from the time she left Casper to move to Salt Lake a few years ago. Gluten problems, I believe. I am sure she was glad to go. Quite a lot of pain the past months. She was a truly good person-a caretaker to all. A worthy life.  Cuz Jim's head cancer is recurring. His partner, Susie, is saying he is thinking of doing nothing. He is 74 and the first go around was grueling and painful and scarring. Tough call but it is his to make. It won't be too awfully long for many of us in this age cohort to be doing similar. Respecting decisions is important. Making the most of every single day (according to our own lights) is also important.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All is Forgiven

Today was blood test day. It was on the calendar but the late night munchies attacked and I had food at 11:00 last night making me think maybe Thursday would be better. I woke up about 10:00 this morning. So the 12 hour fast was still do-able. We trekked to Lander and I got the stuff done. Tick another one off the list.
Coming back to the crossroads, Mc Donald's had a big sign: "The McRib is Back."  O.K. McDonalds the boycott is over. You win. I read an article that said the content of them is unknown. Delicious, though.

Plunkett Road is nearly finished and very smooth. Nice job-we'll see how it lasts. Up by Thayne's I saw a huge coyote-or was it a wolf? Probably a coyote but easily the size of a German Shepherd. I stopped for a picture but my dogs picked right up on it and went crazy so I thought better of opening the door of the van.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Inside Day

It wasn't so much the 47 degree temperatures as the 35 mile per hour winds. It was chilly. So lucky we have been to have such a great summer and fall. It is just weeks until I wend my way southward. I think it is going to be about right. I have gotten serious: putting milestones to reach on my Google calendar. Florida may just save Buddy's life. He is pretty high energy but gets cold fast. He can let himself in. He can also destroy just about anything when he is bored. He needs to run. Honey is pretty much living on the bed these days while she heals. I had a phone conversation with the vet early Monday morning. Honey was bizarre and I thought it was her Clavamox. The vet thought it was aftermath of the anaesthetic. I put her back on the Clavamox and she is some better but I have to touch her very carefully. She will go into heavy duty scratch mode if I touch the wrong spot. It looks like somebody is putting cottonballs on the bed and the floor. Buddy needs his playmate and I want her well. 

We took a late trip to town. I called High Plains Power to find out if the Electrical Thermal Storage Heater season had started. They said "yes," but mine is not indicating the off peak time of day storage. High Plains is not fixing them anymore. I got another ceramic space heater at Wally World.  After I leave, the heat requirements are minimal but for right now, I need a little more than I am getting.

Though it was late, I stopped at 789 Casino and got my free lunch- a chicken fried steak patty, mashed potatoes, green salad and diced peaches. Just right, and I was able to eat most of it. Tossed the bun. There was a little old lady buying a second carton of Old Golds. She had played her $5.00 free gambling into $400.00 and was about to pass out she was so excited-she splurged. Bless her, a little abundance came into her life.  I played mine into nothing in record time. Even betting 2 cents and playing every possible line, can cost $4.00 in a single play. Easy come, easy go.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


The morning coffee on the deck days are dwindling to a precious few. It was cut short today by flurries of leaves. The gold is falling off the trees and I am glad- no wet snows on leafy trees, please. A hard frost is forecast for tomorrow night and it could precipitate either day. It was kind of a slow day. I took Honey off the Clavamox after yesterday. She was distressed-itchy, breathing rapidly, and starting and running like the devil was chasing her. She seemed happiest on the bed and I spent some time there petting and calming her- no it was not a naptime. The naptime took place in the easy chair with Buddy on my lap and the Broncos getting whupped. I started the second half, then the next thing I knew dead Billy Mayes was trying to sell me a rotary saw.

I am still off my chow. I am regarding it as an opportunity rather than an affliction. Cooked for the dogs but did not partake. Constant Comment tea is still a favorite even among all the exotics I have on hand. I am missing Audrey and Matt. Missing my old man, too. Picasa 3's new iteration has an amazing feature. After you identify pictures of people's faces, it searches your hard drive and collects all the pictures of them. Then you can make a movie or view them. Seeing my dad over the years was very nice.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

And now...for the rest of the story...

And why this Oregon trip was the worst ever: We pulled out of Arapahoe last week and I made a McDonald's stop in Lander for a bacon egg cheese biscuit. Heading up South Pass I had about three bites and the darn thing was trying to come back on me. I filed the rest of it and drove on. I was not hungry but stopped at Denny's at the Flying J at Exit 99 on the other side of Salt Lake for supper. I ate about half of my chicken fried steak and gave the rest to the dogs. I could tell then I was a late arrival so I called the Motel 6 in Winnemucca-no rooms. We slept in the van in the parking lot of the Flying J in Winnemucca. Way before daylight we started across the 200 mile-no services, no gas, stretch from Winnemucca to Lakeview, Oregon. We stopped at a rest stop for the doggie's comfort. Then after we came down a six mile steep grade, I stopped at a place we usually stop to let the dogs run. They ran. I watched. We loaded up and near the highway I suddenly realized I was in trouble. No restroom but I hopped out, engine running, dropping trousers as fast as I could...but not fast enough. Underwear, trousers, socks, shoes, ruined.  What I had at my disposal were a partly Buddy-shredded roll of paper towels and a bottle of high potency Windex for auto glass. Of course I had a change of clothes. There I was 20 yards from the highway with my shirt-tail flapping in the wind-and nothing else, trying to clean up and change. Buddy decided to jump out of the van and run around on the highway. If I could have found the transmitter to his training collar, I would have lit him up like a Christmas tree.  Luckily, traffic was non-existent. Standing on the rough volcanic gravel in my bare feet raging at the dog and my predicament, I was a wild man. I considered just leaving the clothes but I double bagged them and we went on to Lakeview where I found a laundromat, opened the bags under water and continued my repairs. I was white as a sheet  and not feeling well at all. With clean clothes and a lost hour, we soldiered on to the Cedar Lodge and a long hot shower. I did not feel really well until yesterday.

Recounting  my tale of woe to brother Rich, he had one so similar on the same day it was eerie. He stopped for a breakfast sandwich at McDonald's, went traveling around Wyoming seeing his clients, and had to excuse himself from an appointment at a place that had no restroom, squat behind his car. I think I know what happened to those salmonella eggs. McDonalds is off the approved list.

Coming back, we stopped for the doggie's sake at the rest stop just this side of Wendover. Buddy had earned "never without a leash" status in Oregon. Walking the two dogs is like having a tug of war with Honey on one hand, and trying to yo-yo with the other while Buddy bounces everywhere. The rest stop dog area at that stop is rudimentary. It took exactly three minutes to get the leashes so tangled I had to lead Honey with the choke chain and carry Buddy back to the car. The hand crank flashlight I bought to aid breast cancer was verplunkt.  So there I was in the dog poo section at 3:00 a.m. in the morning with my cell phone for a flashlight, extricating the leashes. It took me 20 minutes in broad daylight in Evanston to separate them.

Aside from some obvious management issues, Buddy turned out to be a pretty good traveller, and I really do enjoy being on the road. The dogs are always ready to go, I love the sights, and the movement and enjoy being where we are going. Medford presents some challenges and I am wondering if Van modification or a small camper would be a good idea. The dog friendly Cedar Lodge is in decline and more expensive. I would like to stay longer. This event costs more than a month in Florida.  The dogs are non-grata at Eve's after the Clara contretemps.

Ah yes, the Clara story: Eve has an ill-tempered 14 year old cat: Clara. In her salad days she would perch on the refrigerator and jump on and attack passersby. She has mellowed and will allow some petting before she turns on you and bites these days. The first words I spoke to Eve were "Is Clara safe?" "She is around here someplace," Eve said. Someplace was discovered by the dogs and we saw a streak of orange bounding across the yard and up a tree.  There she remained for some ten hours after we were long gone. She bit Eve as she was coaxing her the last few feet from the tree. NO DOGS ALLOWED.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Catching, resting up

Both ways on the drive, I got skunked on pet-friendly motels. So on the way back I drove from Medford to Wendover, slept in the van for four hours at a Pilot truck stop, then caught forty winks at Exit 99 waiting for the Salt Lake morning rush to pass its peak.. So Friday morning we all slept until 9:00 aided by the fact the house and night were on the chilly side. But once up, we got moving. Honey had yipped and was limping  in Medford. I thought we were back to square one on the leg and I didn't want to wait until Monday. So off we went to the vet where we had to come back due to three ongoing surgeries.  I was glad we hadn't waited. Honey's cast had twisted and her dewclaw had made a sore on her leg. Washed, treated, and we decided another week with a supportive hard cast might be smart though the leg is gaining strength. Clavamox twice a day for the Honeybunny. As long as she was knocked out I had her rear end checked. Poor baby. She was so good and for once Buddy was helpful.  We are coming up on $1000.00 for this misadventure.

I shopped. We are set for a couple of days. The legs are a little swelly-not bad, and we all seem ready to sleep.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oregon Visit Fall 2010

Click on the picture to go to the album.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

House Painting

The front of Matt's house newly painted. A covered front porch will soon follow. Matt and Jerry finished the masking and painting of both the house and the garage. Once again I provided support services by child-tending (tough duty) and fetching lunch. Eve came by around 2:00 and we took Audrey to Bear Creek Park (lasted about 30 minutes there) then went to Eve's where Audrey snagged her friend Anna. She and Anna played and eventually ended up doing art work in one of Eve's work spaces.

Matt sprays the chimney-the capping event of the house project.
The girls creating. Eve and I visited on her back patio and were treated to the girls singing BINGO and other songs. They wanted an art judging. We were going "uhoh," but what they wanted was for us to guess what they painted. We had 500 chances. Matt called about 5 and we had him bring excellent Chinese take-out. (I happily paid). I got some hugs all around as I am leaving in the morning. I got the Van serviced so I am good to go. Happy days and I will put up an album of the trip when I return to Wyoming.

The doggies spent a lot of time in the van this afternoon. I bought them a meatloaf which should see them home.
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